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Le mamme si spogliano e mostrano i loro corpi post partum

Mothercare ha lanciato una campagna importantissima per aiutare le mamme ad accettare i loro corpi dopo il trauma della gravidanza.

Dopo una gravidanza il corpo di una donna non è più lo stesso. I fianchi sono più larghi, spesso sono comparse le smagliature e la muscolatura sembra rilassata. Ci vogliono quasi due anni per tornare in forma e spesso la donna non riesce a prendersi cura del proprio corpo come vorrebbe perché presa dall’accudimento del figlio, dal lavoro e dal resto della famiglia. La società esercita molta pressione sulle donne affinché rispondano a certi stereotipi.

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At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Harriet, 26 weeks after giving birth: “I loved the idea of celebrating postpartum bodies. I have always struggled internally with my weight and how I feel about myself. I put on 4 ½ stone in pregnancy and have lost about 2 ½ so far. How can I hate my body when it has given me my beautiful baby boy? My body has done something amazing, and to me that’s the most empowering thing. I feel like I’m doing this for all the mums who wear baggy tops or cry when they look in the mirror. To say: you are amazing! I just say to people it took me 9 months to make him – he’s my priority. It will come off, it just takes time. It’s the people who don’t have children who judge the most. Other mums support each other and tell them they are awesome!”

Un post condiviso da Mothercare UK (@mothercareuk) in data:

Ecco perché è nata una nuova campagna, voluta dal brand Mothercare UK, e definita dall’hashtag
#BodyProudMums. Questa campagna racchiude le immagini non ritoccate di 10 donne con cicatrici, smagliature, pelle flaccida e pance gonfie, settimane e mesi dopo il parto. Il loro messaggio è semplice: è il momento di smettere di perpetuare standard di bellezza irrealistici e incoraggiare le donne ad abbracciare i loro corpi post partum così come sono.

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At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Chantelle, 11 weeks after giving birth: ”I actually love my body. It has done the most amazing thing, and I acknowledge and honour what it has created for me. Any marks left are a welcome reminder of our journey. I was very lucky and had what could be regarded as the ideal pregnancy. I have fibromyalgia, and the hormones from pregnancy made all my pain go away, which was even more amazing for me. The best part of being a mother is seeing my baby’s happy little face each morning. I love the way he looks at me, like he knows how much I love him and he feels safe with me.

Un post condiviso da Mothercare UK (@mothercareuk) in data:

L’azienda ha deciso di adottare questo approccio positivo dopo aver condotto un sondaggio in cui oltre l’80% delle mamme ha ammesso di confrontare il suo corpo postpartum con le donne che vedono su Instagram e sulle riviste. Al centro della campagna c’è la convinzione che tutte le mamme siano belle, dopotutto i loro corpi hanno appena compiuto un miracolo.

Nelle didascalie delle foto potrete leggere le storie di queste mamme: sono tutte bellissime e ci fanno sentire meno sole.

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At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Louise, 29 weeks after giving birth: “I wanted to do this partly for my own self-confidence, to help with acceptance of my scars and new life. Also, I wanted to bring some attention to post-natal disease and complications. Giving birth caused me to go into sudden liver failure, due to a rare pregnancy related disease. I had to have an emergency liver transplant and spent the first month of my daughter’s life in hospital in London away from her. My shape has changed since giving birth, my scar causes my stomach to be a little disfigured and I lost most of my muscles from being in the hospital bed so long. Sometimes my scar reminds me of the surgery and the difficult recovery I had in my daughter’s early months. However, it’s also a wonderful reminder of how generous other people can be, because without someone’s decision to donate organs I would not have survived to be here with my family now.”

Un post condiviso da Mothercare UK (@mothercareuk) in data:

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At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Sabra, 10 weeks after giving birth: “Having been a small size ALL MY LIFE with a flat belly and slim legs and arms, I did feel under pressure to ‘bounce-back’ to my pre-birth body. Some people laughed at my new body and I felt insecure. I did feel embarrassed and I tried to hide my body. My back and down there still feels sore from time to time, my breasts look bigger and I have stretch marks on my thighs and stomach. I never expected to feel this way. You never understand the changes your body goes through during and after pregnancy until you embark on this journey yourself. At first the changes are scary. Then I realised that the changes are normal. My body doesn’t have to ‘bounce-back’ to my pre-birth body as long as I’m healthy. I realised my stretch marks are a sign of beauty and I learnt to accept myself. I am happy with the changes. And I am happy to share my scars with the rest of the world to show them that they are normal and beautiful. Flaunt that body with a smile and confidence!”

Un post condiviso da Mothercare UK (@mothercareuk) in data:

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At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Nardy, 20 weeks after giving birth: “Being a Mum of six is a blessing and knowing how my body has changed in the last 7 years is really amazing in so many different ways. Hard work to grow a tiny human, and then going back to normal fulltime function deserves a celebration, and gratitude towards my body. So when I heard about the campaign I felt inspired to be a part of it, regardless! I don’t measure up to what society tells me should be the ideal. I feel people need to put less pressure on mums to go back to their previous bodies before the babies and worry about their overall health mentally, emotionally and physically, to live a fulfilling life in order to give love and care for the new life. I’m happy with my body, and only have an umbilical hernia that needs to be repaired due to my twin pregnancy, but other than that maybe I need to exercise when I get more time, as I need more energy to look after my six children. I don’t feel different after giving birth – I feel the same and feel happier even though I gained lots of weight afterwards. It’s rewarding to be able to produce fruits and look after them!”

Un post condiviso da Mothercare UK (@mothercareuk) in data:

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